July 2023 Textbook Hero - Jeff LeCount

Jeff LeCount

What are some of the classes you teach? Speech, Oral Interpersonal Communication, and Applied Communication
How long have you been with CVTC? This is my 20th year at CVTC.

How long have you been using low-cost and/or no-cost textbooks?
I have been using OER/AER for the last 3-4 years.

What is your favorite part of using low-cost and/or no-cost textbooks? I think my favorite aspect of OER/AER texts is the fact that they are often electronically available. Any estimated student cost savings from using low-cost and/or no-cost textbooks?
The savings for students is usually between $75-150 per book.

Fun fact: If people ask me how I'm doing, I usually respond with some weird statement like, "I've pretty much got life down to the point where I'm only crazy on the days that end in 'Y'!"


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